Over Memorial Day Weekend Laura and I went up to Idaho Falls and then stopped in Logan. We got to Kevin and Becky's Friday night and spent through Sunday with them and also Staci and Kyle. We had lots of fun up there. We spent lots of time jumping on the new trampoline with the boys and then Saturday we went for a hike. Sunday night we went and stayed with Sam and Lisa in their new home and then Monday we went to the park for a picnic and then looked at their little zoo they have by the park.

Brian giving Laura a big hug!
Kevin and Owen
Laura and Wes
Laura riding
Me and Owen
Kyle and Owen giving the thumbs up. Kyle was nice enough to bring his 4 Wheeler over for us to ride on Saturday evening. We all had lots of fun taking it around Kevin's backyard. It was Laura and mine's first time riding one and I loved it! I can't wait to do it again! Thanks Kyle! You're the best brother-in-law ever!! :)
The boys love their new trampoline and wanted to jump forever! I sure got a good workout with them this weekend. It was lots of fun. The boys are so cute! Wes liked to sit in our lap while the other of us jumped because he was too scared to sit by himself and bounce that high.