Wednesday, December 3, 2008


For Thanksgiving I went up to Idaho, but first I made a stop at Sam and Lisa's in Logan. It was lots of fun to see them and their new place. I haven't seen them in forever!! I stayed with them on Wednesday and then drove up to Idaho Falls on Thursday.

Brian and Tyler playing in the Isabel Bloom wrapping paper! They were too funny.

Wes and Owen on Thanksgiving day in their cute hats! Becky's parents were kind enough to let me come over for Thanksgiving dinner with their family. They sure take me in a lot and I really appreciate them!

Wes and Owen watching a movie in their parents bed. They were so cute all propped up and cozy. I love these little guys!! I was sick most of the time I was there so I didn't get to cuddle with them very much :( .... I will just have to make up for that next time!

Wes and Owen in the fire truck cart at the mall!! What fun and don't worry Becky you looked great pushing them around in it!! :) hehe
Thanks for the fun! Love you guys


becky ward said...

always fun to have you. hope you are feeling better!

Anonymous said...

oh so cute! I miss those little guys!