The boys are definately getting more use to me and warm up to me a lot quicker when I visit. Wesley was so cute. He was so lovey and cuddly with me this weekend. It's just what I needed.

Wesley climbing on me.

Staci with Owen and Wes while they are eating some carrots.

Owen trunk or treating!!

Wesley the frog and Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight aka Owen
It was fun to be with the boys on Halloween night, they were so cute and a little hyper (probably from the candy!). Kevin and Becky just moved in to their house that day as well. So I was glad to be able to help them unpack some of their stuff this weekend.
i bet kevin and becky loved having you help them unpack. and i'm sure you loved being around your nephews! you have 2 other nephews that miss you (hint, hint) ;)
rosanne-thanks for the adorable card you left behind. the boys loved it! and i really couldn't have survived the crazy weekend without you. thanks for all your hard work! we loved having you around. COME AGAIN SOON!
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