Thursday, January 10, 2013

Christmas 2012

 The loot

 Zoey loves jewelry and got some from Santa

 New lego wagon...sporting her new Puma sweatsuit (adorable!)

In the afternoon we went over to my parents and enjoyed some more presents and a wonderful dinner cooked by grandma. Sam, Lisa, and their kids were there (pictures are on grandma's camera) and we enjoyed some time playing with them. 

Zoey trying on Rafa's new beenie...not sure how the pictures got out of order.

Princess Castle Tent

 Zoey and her cousin Drake
 Zoey likes using the window instead of the door!

Having fun

Christmas Eve we had Rafa's dad, Victor, and his sister, Janis, and her family over. We had fun opening some presents and enjoying a yummy dinner together. Victor gave Zoey a princess castle tent and she loves it and plays in it all the time now!

Christmas Time

 Happy Girl!

The last week before Christmas I decided to put some presents under the tree and Zoey did great at not touching them! A couple days before she decided to start sitting on a big one but I was surprised by how well she did! 

i LOVE my girl!!

Zoey loves to sit in Pooh's "chair" sometimes. After she got her Pooh she went and took the box out of recycling and put it next to her princess chair. Guess she thought Pooh needed a place to sit too! :)

 Sitting on top of a castle...thinking she is so clever.

 Found a new place to hangout!

Gotta love her big blue eyes!