Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year!! We had lots of fun being able to open presents and spend some of the Christmas holiday with Aaron, Sarah, Kimball, Simon, and Eleanor!! Then on Christmas Eve we headed up to Kevin and Becky's to spend Christmas with their family and Staci & Kyle. Rafa had to stay in Provo because of work and that was no fun being apart for the holiday.

Me, Staci, and Kyle - Some guitar hero action.

Madalyn is such a doll!!

Mom and Laura working on a puzzle.

Me and Madalyn

Mom and Madalyn. Lots of pictures of her because she is so precious!

Dart gun war!! :) Lots of fun. We had tons of guns and too many darts.

Wesley with his new dinosaur

Wes opening presents

Owen opening a watch, he was so excited to wear it!
Christmas in Spanish Fork with Mom, Dad, Aaron, Sarah, Kimball, Eleanor, Laura, Rafa, and me!

Kimball excited for his new dinosaur from Grandma

Cute Eleanor with a new toy.

Simon trying to figure out how to work his new toy.

Rafa and I opening our present from Aaron and Sarah. They got us a digital photo album, which we can use at the wedding!

Rafa opening a ninja turtles book from mom with Rafael on the front.